PARC Acquires Real Estate At Critical Intersection


The Parsons Avenue Redevelopment Corporation (PARC) has acquired 921, 923, and 945 Parsons Avenue in a move that gives them control of nearly the entire city block at the northwest corner of Parsons Avenue and East Whittier Street.

921 and 923 Parsons are single-family homes that have been renovated and are available as affordable housing.  945 Parsons is  a former drive-through carry-out that will become home to the Fresh Market, which is relocating from across the street.  This new location will allow the Fresh Market to offer more fresh fruits and vegetables to its shoppers as well as an enhanced classroom space.  The exterior space will be able to host raised planters, a farmer’s market, and even the occasional food truck.

Please feel free to read the press that the project has received in Business FirstColumbus Underground, and This Week Community News.

Brian Higgins